The Beginnings of Dating in Colorado

Ever dated in Colorado? No? Well, let me share a little about my experience. Yes? Then I’m sure you will laugh and understand.

Yep, it’s been a while. I haven’t updated my single girl dating life in a while. But, due to recent experiences, I felt the need to share.

I will begin with Colorado. I moved to Colorado July 2019 because I needed a life change and wanted to live near my sister and nieces. I’ll admit, I was also hoping to find a really hot Colorado guy. You know, the guy who is in excellent shape because he skis or snowboards, mountain bikes, hikes. He will also be hot because he is a mountain guy and will have a great job. It went so well…that I’m back in Orlando and still single. Yeah, face smack.

I started dating in October/November after my move. Meeting guys authentically was not working, so I joined the online dating club again. My first date was a cute guy. His nickname is “Jobless.” We met at Chilis for drinks and appetizers. We sat at the bar. He was nice. But, during our first and only meeting, he decided it was important to tell me he doesn’t have a job because he is living off his profits from selling his condo in Denver. He said he was thinking about getting a job and was trying to get a job as a fishing guide. He also proceeded to tell me he used to do lots of drugs. I didn’t judge him for that, I know most people have gone down that path. Poor guy though, I think he was either high or had quite possibly lost some brain cells from his drug use over the years. He just couldn’t communicate well and kept telling me the same things over and over and then asking if I knew someone (I didn’t) again and again. I felt bad, but no he didn’t get a second date.

But wait, it didn’t stop there. I thought after cutting it off, we’d go our separate ways. Nope. He texted me a couple times late one night. Here’s the short story about his texts. His texts pretty much told me about how he just wanted someone in his life to care about him and how lonely he is. How he doesn’t have any friends and just wants a friend. Yes, it made me feel bad for him, but I didn’t know him, we had just met. I told him sorry, but I just wasn’t interested and wished him the best. He was good and didn’t text me again. I wish him the best and hope he’s doing well.

To be continued……….don’t worry, some stories are pleasant.

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